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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

[SOLVED] - Alibaba Cloud (ECS) - The Requested URL Could Not Be Retrieved. Unable to Access Website

[SOLVED] - Alibaba Cloud (ECS) - The Requested URL Could Not Be Retrieved. Unable to Access Website


The requested URL could not be retrieved

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://149.x.x.1/

    Connection to
149.x.x.1/ failed.

The system returned: (111) Connection refused

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.


Today after restoring my snapshot to one of my Alibaba Cloud ECS instance; I was unable to access my website from my browser. I tried a lot of this and that but all in vain. Then finally, after much research, I read that the connection was getting refused by my Web Server, in my case the Apache Web Server.

Once I restarted, the Web Server, the website was accessible now.

Command to restart the Apache Web Server:

For Ubuntu:
 sudo service apache2 restart  

For RHEL/CentOS 7:
 systemctl restart httpd  

Friday, January 18, 2019

[SOLVED] - Fix Corrupt NTFS Parition In Ubuntu Using ntfs-3g, Without Using Windows OR fsck

Since yesterday, I've been trying to backup my hard drive using Clonezilla but without any success. Twice I got the following error, when I tried to backup my full hard drive by using Clonezilla.

ntfsclone-ng.c: NTFS Volume '/dev/sda6/' is scheduled for  a check or it was shutdown uncleanly. Please boot Windows or fix it by fsck
& I know why this issue has cropped up. Few days back I used GParted to expand my main ext4 partition that has Ubuntu installed on it by using a chunk from another NTFS partition.


Here's what worked for me. Open your terminal [CTRL+ALT+T]:

1. First list all the partition in your hard drive.

 df -h  

You should be getting a list of parition as shown in the image below. In my case, the NTFS parition is '/dev/sda6.'

[SOLVED] - Fix Corrupt NTFS Parition In Ubuntu Using fsck Without Using Windows
Click on image to enlarge

 2. Now unmount the NTFS partition using the following command. Please note, the command is 'umount' and not 'unmount.'

 sudo umount /dev/sda6  

3. If you do not have ntfs-3g installed, you can install it using the following command:

 sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g  

4. Now run the ntfs-3g command to check/repair your corrupt/problematic NTFS partition:

 sudo ntfsfix -b -d /dev/sda6  
  • b: clear-bad-sectors -- Clear the bad sector list 
  • d: clear-dirty -- Clear the volume dirty flag

5. If the CHECK/REPAIR operation is successful, you should be getting a message as shown in the image below:

Click on image to enlarge
>> REF: Fix corrupt NTFS partition without Windows

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