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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some Basic But Useful HTML Tags For You!

tag or the Line Break Tag:
If you would like to insert a line break in the manner you want, whether you're adding a gadget, posting a picture, inserting a link, or simply a break; without paragraphing; then this tag becomes very handy. Insert this tag where ever you want a line break as per your requirement. You can use it, in both HTML and Compose modes.

Example: A Blogger had posted this question and this is how I provided the solution. It'll give the dummy a substantial idea.

From: NikkiO
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 08:28:27 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Tues, Oct 14 2008 8:28 pm
Subject: About Me format
Q: I would like to break up the "About Me" text into paragraphs. How do I do this please?

A: It's very simple friend. Simply insert this code in the place where you want the line to break.You can insert it both in HTML mode or Compose Mode. 

The Marquee Tag: The marquee tag is a very effective tag which can be used in displaying and getting the attention of a visitor to something important content in your blog and website.
Example:  This is a basic example of Marquee Tag.
For more on Marquee Tag, please visit this web page at: Marquee Guide

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