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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Enabling USB WiFi Network Adapter in VirtualBox with Kali Linux as Guest OS

I found enabling USB WiFi Adapter in Window 7 much simpler than Linux, precisely Kali Linux. Not that I couldn't do it in Kali but after sometime the connection would drop. But with Windows 7 it didn't take me a fraction of time compared to Kali and with the method I discovered the connection is also not dropping in Kali now.

So here's how to do it with Kali Linux as Guest OS. You can also use the same technique while using other OS such as Windows as Guest OS:

1. First make sure you have  added yourself to the user group 'vboxusers'; else you will be unable to view your Wireless USB Network Adapter under the  USB Devices list.

2. Now you can select your Network Adapter by going to --> Devices -->  USB Devices --> Select your Network Adapter here

Now to save yourself from your 'connection getting dropped' every now and then, make sure you have disabled your Internet connection from your Host OS. See the image below.

To confirm your WLAN setup Open your terminal and type:


You should be seeing something like wlan0 along with the details as in the image above.

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