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Thursday, May 14, 2015

[SOLVED] - How to RESET/CHANGE Administrator/Super User Password using Drush in Drupal 7?

If you have forgotten your Super Admin (SU) password of your Drupal 7 site, and want to reset it, you can use any one of the solutions to reset your password. Please note you will have to use Drush for the password reset process.

#Solution 1:
This will generate a one time login link. By default it provides one-time login link for administrator.
 drush uli admin-username  
This will generate a one time login link. By default it provides one-time login link for administrator. If you want to generate for one time login link for that user, try the following:
 drush uli some-username  

#Solution 2:
(Re)Set the password for the user account with the specified name.
 $ drush help user-password  
Sets the password for the username someuser:
 drush user-password someuser --password="pass123"   
NOTE: You can use upwd instead of user-password.
 drush upwd your-userid --password="new-password"  

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