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Thursday, December 27, 2018

[SOLVED]: Module 'Amasty_Base' from 'app/code/Amasty/Base' has been already defined in 'vendor/amasty/base'

If you have been trying to install Amasty Extension(s) in your Magento 2 installation by using SSH, and run into this error 'Module 'Amasty_Base' from 'app/code/Amasty/Base' has been already defined in 'vendor/amasty/base'', use the solution below to resolve your issue.

This issue occurs if you have installed Amasty Extension(s) manually and the 'Amasty Base' file already exists inside the directory 'app/code/Amasty/Base.' & later when you try to install another Amasty extension using SSH, composer will notice this file in app/code and hence the error. Composer creates the 'Base' directory in the following location 'vendor/amasty/base'.


1. Go to the root directory of your Magento Installation.
2. Enter the following commands:

1:  composer remove amasty/composer_name_of_your_extension  
2:  rm -rf app/code/Amasty/Base  
3:  rm -rf vendor/amasty/base  
4:  composer dump-autoload  

3. Now INSTALL your Amasty Extension by running the following command:

1:  composer require amasty/composer_name_of_your_extension  
2:  php bin/magento setup:upgrade  
3:  php bin/magento setup:di:compile  
4:  php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  


To find the composer name of your extension:
  • Log into your Amasty Account
  • Goto to My Downloads page and look under Composer Name column. See image below to get an idea.
Click on image to enlarge

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